“Children are at the centre of all we do”

We encourage everyone in our school community to live life well reflecting Christian attitudes and values and working in partnership with families as part of a wider, caring community. 

The hallmarks of a Christian life lived well are shown in the fruits of the Spirit–

‘But the fruit of the Spirit is: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-control. Against such things there is no law.’ Galatians 5:22 – 23 

School Meals

We are proud of our nutritious lunches that are cooked on site. Ingredients are sourced locally and cooked to order. Our kitchen has been awarded the highest possible food hygiene certificate of 5. Children sit together and serve meals at the table.

Pupil meals cost £3.20 for 2 courses for children in Years 3 to 6. Please pay via ParentPay on the day that your child chooses a meal. Alternatively, some families like to pay ahead or even make one payment for the whole half term.

For pupils aged 4 to 7 (Reception year to end of Year 2), these are provided free of charge.

Please pop in to experience our dining hall family atmosphere. Mealtimes are a happy time, why not ask about our next invitation to a community meal?

School meals follow a 3 week menu consisting of meals based upon the children's preferences.


Breaktime snacks

A piece of fruit or a vegetable snack is provided daily by the Government for all children in pre-reception year to end of Year 2. These are provided free of charge.

Home cooked snacks are available for children in Year 2 to 6 to purchase at morning break. Drinks are also sold, each item is priced at 20p.

Packed Lunches

Packed lunches can be provided by the school kitchen for all children on school visits. Please book these in advance at the school office.

We encourage all children to enjoy healthy, balanced packed lunches at school. 

School Milk

Milk is provided for all children by Cool Milk on receipt of your completed form. This is free for children under 5. There is a small cost for older children to receive this. Please ask at the school office for the relevant form for your child.

School Funded Meals

School funded meals are available to children whose parents are in receipt of some eligible benefits. All pupils are treated the same way, regardless of how lunches are financed. Please click the link below or ask the office for latest details.

Should you meet the criteria, you can apply by using the application form in the useful downloads section in the link below.

Applications are usually processed the same day. If your child is entitled to school funded meals you will receive a letter confirming the date when the meals will start. School is also notified that your child is entitled to school funded meals. In the meantime, you should continue to pay for school meals until confirmation comes through. Schools may be able to arrange a reimbursement of any monies paid whilst your entitlement is being confirmed.

If you are not entitled to school funded meals you will be notified in writing.
