“Children are at the centre of all we do”

We encourage everyone in our school community to live life well reflecting Christian attitudes and values and working in partnership with families as part of a wider, caring community. 

The hallmarks of a Christian life lived well are shown in the fruits of the Spirit–

‘But the fruit of the Spirit is: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-control. Against such things there is no law.’ Galatians 5:22 – 23 






We understand that children are ill from time to time and it is not always clear if they should attend school. Please use the guidance here to help guide you:



In the event that your child is too ill for school, please report their absence to school as soon as possible following the school's attendance policy (see Our School, Policies page)


If your child requires medication to be administered at school, please use the forms below. These are also available in hard copy in the school entrance hall. 


Please note that all medication must be prescribed for your child, clearly labelled and in date.


For a member of staff to administer medication with clear dosage:


Medical Form A


Medical Form A



For self administration of medication


Med C form

Medical Form C


From time to time, children are taken ill during the school day. Please ensure that school has up to date contact information so that staff may contact you should an emergency arise.


Preventing illness

Heslerton School offers health checks and vaccinations through the local health authority. Please see newsletters and Dojo for details.