School Uniform
We encourage the wearing of our smart school uniform. The school colours are red sweatshirt, fleece, cardigan or jumper; black or grey shorts, skirt or trousers; and white or red collared shirt or polo shirt. Some pupils opt to wear a red checked summer outfit. We ask all parents to clearly mark each item with your child’s name.
Items in school colours may be purchased from any retailer. Branded items are available to buy from and are delivered to school.
P.E. Kits
All children should wear their P.E. kit on days when PE is scheduled. Please see the school newsletter at the start of each term for details of when your child will do PE each week. PE kits consists of a white sports T-shirt and dark blue or black sports shorts. Your child may wish to wear sports leggings. They will also need to wear a tracksuit in the winter. Trainers should be suitable for indoor and outdoor use please. All items should be clearly marked with your child's name.
Swimming sessions take place in the autumn term for pupils in Reception to Year 4 inclusive. A swimming kit will be required each session, please see newsletters for dates.
Forest Schools Kits
All children require a forest schools kit. This consists of waterproof leggings or trousers, a warm top, a spare water bottle, gloves and a hat. All items should be clearly marked with your child's name and stored in a small, named rucksack which will be used during these sessions. Children will also need a pair of wellies marked with their name and a waterproof coat.